Simon W. J. Hermann
There is no clear line between "designing" and technically implementing a project. There'll always be decisions made by developers that heavily impact user experience, since It's impossible to design every aspect of an application in advance in a design tool. This is where I specialise, fully comprehending both: user needs and technical possibilities. My dual background in Design and Technology allows me to talk eye-to-eye with teammates (and clients) who have their focus in either fields.
I'm a Design Generalist focusing on UX and UI with a passion for Web Development. Creating user-centred digital products, from scratch to prototype to mirror-polished. Building bridges between Designers and Developers. I have a degree in Design (German Diplom) and I've been building websites for over 10 years now.
My (incomplete) list of Skills and Tools
I can do everything here with supreme quality outputs and in a reasonable amount of time.
- CSS (Sass/SCSS, PostCSS, BEM, Tailwind, ..)
- TypeScript, JavaScript
- User Experience Design (User Interviews, Usability Testing, Wireframing, Information Archtecture, ..)
- UI Design & Design Systems
- Web Accessibility (A11y)
- Sketch, Figma
- Storybook
- React / Next.js (due to current Job..)
I need to look up things from time to time, but results are on very sophisticated level.
- Headless CMSs (Storyblok, Contentful, Strapi, Magnolia)
- Astro
- Svelte / SvelteKit
- Vue.js / Nuxt.js
- Web performance optimisations
- Web Components (Vanilla, Lit)
- JAMStack
- Typography
- Prototyping Tools (, Justinmind, Origami, Marvel, Framer, ...)
- UX copywriting
- Adobe Creative Suite (Lr, Ps, Pr, Id, Ai, Xd, Ae), Serif Affinity
- Photography
- (technical) SEO
- Git
- NPM, Webpack, Rollup, Parcel
- Greensock (GSAP)
- Various CSS Frameworks (Tailwind, Bootstrap, Foundation, Pure CSS)
- reveal.js
- Further Design Skills (Corporate & Logo, Layout, ..)
- Test-Driven Development, JS (Unit-)Testing (Jest)
I can do stuff here, but mostly I learn as I go.
- 11ty
- Testing with Playwright or Cypress
- SolidJS, Marko, Fresh, Quik
- Kirby CMS
- NetlifyCMS, Tina CMS
- A/B Testing
- Zdog
- Docker
- Processing
- HTML Canvas
- Monorepo Tooling (Lerna, pnpm, etc)
Want to learn
- WebGL
- p5.js
- three.js
- GraphQL
- Blender
- vvvv
- modV
- Derivative TouchDesigner
- CSS Houdini
I did this in the past, but did not really advance in recent years.
- 2D + 3D Animation (After Effects, Cinema 4D)
- Making Movies / Recording in Green Screen Studio
- Wordpress
- jQuery
- Service Design
›› Design Tools: Pen+Paper, Whimsical, Figma ›› Tech Stack: Vanilla, Astro / SvelteKit, Storyblok, Netlify ›› Editor: VSCode ›› Presentation Tool: reveal.js
In my spare time I try to improve my skills in Woodworking (especially Spoon Carving), Cooking, Hiking, Cycling, Badminton, Skiing and Parenthood.